The NMR Facility at UCIBIO NOVA is integrated in the Portuguese Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Network (PTNMR). PTNMR is a distributed National Research Infrastructure that integrates the Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures. PTNMR provides coordinated access to a national platform of equipment, resources, services and skills in NMR for participating institutions and the scientific community, from both national and international R&D industry and academia. The main goal is the maintenance of a single platform that supports the technical integration, sharing of resources and a combined management of the national NMR infrastructure, enabling access to modern and fully operational NMR spectrometers and support of R&D initiatives. The NMR facility of UCIBIO-FCT NOVA, hosted in the Chemistry Department, pioneered in Portugal in the use of NMR for the determination of protein structures. Currently, we still support many research projects focused on the determination of protein structure and dynamics but most of the research being conducted is related to the study of molecular interactions and molecular recognition in a wide range of chemical and biochemical systems. The facility is also strongly committed to providing NMR routine services to support in-house synthesis and chemical (bio)engineering research groups.




UCIBIO - FCT NOVA (contact:

  • Equipment 1:
    Magnet: Bruker Avance II+ 600 14.1 T, narrow bore 1H frequency: 600 MHz
    Console: 4-channel digital AQS/2 Bruker Avance II+ Gradient: GREAT Z-Gradient Temperature controlled BCU-05
    NMR probes: Cryoprobe TCI (1 H, 13C, 15N); 5 mm QNP ( 1 H, 19F, 13C, 31P)
  • Equipment 2:
    Magnet: Bruker Avance II+ 400 9.4 T, narrow bore 1H frequency: 400 MHz
    Console: 3-channel digital AQS/2 Bruker Avance II+ Gradient: GREAT Z-Gradient HR-MAS control unit Temperature controlled BCU-xtreme
    NMR probes: 5 mm TXI (1 H, 13C, 15N); 4 mm HR-MAS ( 1 H, 13C, 15N)
  • Equipment 3:
    Magnet: Bruker AvanceIII 400 9.4 T, narrow bore 1H frequency: 400 MHz
    Console: Nanobay, 2-channel digital Automatic sampler NMR case
    NMR probes: 5 mm QNP (1 H, 19F, 13C, 31P)
  • Equipment 4:
    Bruker Ascend 500 11.76 T, narrow bore 1H frequency: 500 MHz
    Console: 4-channel Bruker Avance Neo Gradient: 10A GAB/2 Z-Gradient amplifier, Temperature control BCU II
    NMR PROBES: Prodigy cryoprobe CRPN2-TR-1H&19F/13C/15N-5mm-EZ
    AUTOMATIC SAMPLE CHANGER: Sample case with 24 positions and random acess for sequential or batch automation



Eurico J Cabrita (Management)

PhD in Organic Chemistry, 1994, FCT NOVA

Habilitation in Physical Chemistry, 2016, FCT NOVA

Full Professor, FCT NOVA

Coordinator of the Portuguese Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Network (PTNMR)



  • Ana Sofia Ferreira (Responsible Researcher)
  • Ana Teresa Lopes (Lab Technician)



  • Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia RECI/BBB/BQB/0230/2012


