Research Lab
Blue Biotechnology & Biomedicine

Lab Members
Research Interests
Our research focuses on the discovery of natural products from marine-derived actinomycetes (Actinobacteria) as lead-like agents for drug discovery and biotechnological applications. We use several state-of-the-art techniques for the identification of new bioactive small molecules with antimicrobial, anti-biofilm, antifouling and anticancer activities from marine sediments collected off the Atlantic Macaronesia ecoregion. Our lab uses a multidisciplinary approach to Blue Biotechnology and Biomedical research combining Marine Natural Products Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Metabolomics, Genomics, Chemo and Bioinformatics, Chemical Ecology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Material Sciences.
Research Highlights
Marine Natural Products for Blue Biotechnology and Biomedicine Applications
The Blue Biotechnology and Biomedicine Lab Discovered New Antifouling Agents without Toxic Viability Imparment of the studied biofouling species. Thus, having great propects of being non-toxic and eco-friendly.
We were part of the organizing committee of the 2nd Ocean4Biotech Conference. BBBLab addresses health and societal challenges by searching for marine lead-like drugs for SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibition and marine bacteria that degrade plastic to produce biodegradable bioplastic.

Representative Projects
- "European Transdisciplinary Networking Platform for Marine Biotechnology". COST Action CA18238. National Management Committee Member, WG Leader and STSM Committe Member: Susana P. Gaudêncio (PI).: Susana Gaudêncio
- "Ocean bioprospecting: targeting marine actinomycetes as a source for lead-like drug discovery", FCT funding, FCT-MCTES, IF/00700/2014, Total funding: €221,300, Unit funding: €221,300, Susana P. Gaudêncio (PI).
- “Ocean Treasures: Ocean Sediments from Madeira Archipelago - a new source of innovative and bioactive compounds”, FCT-MCTES, PTDC/QUIQUI/119116/2010, Total funding: €120,994, Unit funding: €110,797, Susana P. Gaudêncio (PI).
- “Marine Bacteria as a Novel Resource for Drug Discovery”, Marie Curie Co-fund Welcome II-DFRH/WIIA/102/2011, EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement PCOFUND-GA- 2009-246542, Total funding: €249,000, Unit funding: €249,000, Susana P. Gaudêncio (PI).
- “Marine actinomycetes proteomics to synthetic biology – targeting Madeira Archipelago biodiversity”, EU funding Instruct project PID: 1153, Total funding: €6,000, Unit funding: €6,000, Susana P. Gaudêncio (PI).
Selected Publications
Pinto-Almeida, A; Bauermeister, A; Luppino, L; Grilo, IR; Oliveira, J; Sousa, JR; Petras, D; Rodrigues, CF; Prieto-Davo, A; Tasdemir, D; Sobral, RG; Gaudencio, SP. 2022. The Diversity, Metabolomics Profiling, and the Pharmacological Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from the Estremadura Spur Pockmarks (Portugal). Marine Drugs, 20, DOI: 10.3390/md20010021
Schneider, XT; Stroil, BK; Tourapi, C; Rebours, C; Gaudêncio, SP; Novoveska, L; Vasquez, MI. 2022. Responsible Research and Innovation Framework, the Nagoya Protocol and Other European Blue Biotechnology Strategies and Regulations: Gaps Analysis and Recommendations for Increased Knowledge in the Marine Biotechnology Community. Marine Drugs, 20, DOI: 10.3390/md20050290
Rotter, A; Gaudencio, SP; Klun, K; Macher, JN; Thomas, OP; Deniz, I; Edwards, C; Grigalionyte-Bembic, E; Ljubesic, Z; Robbens, J; Varese, GC; Vasquez, MI. 2021. A New Tool for Faster Construction of Marine Biotechnology Collaborative Networks. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.685164
Rotter, A; Barbier, M; Bertoni, F; Bones, AM; Cancela, ML; Carlsson, J; Carvalho, MF; Ceglowska, M; Chirivella-Martorell, J; Dalay, MC; Cueto, M; Dailianis, T; Deniz, I; Diaz-Marrero, AR; Drakulovic, D; Dubnika, A; Edwards, C; Einarsson, H; Erdogan, A; Eroldogan, OT; Ezra, D; Fazi, S; FitzGerald, RJ; Gargan, LM; Gaudencio, SP; Udovic, MG; DeNardis, NI; Jonsdottir, R; Katarzyte, M; Klun, K; Kotta, J; Ktari, L; Ljubesic, Z; Bilela, LL; Mandalakis, M; Massa-Gallucci, A; Matijosyte, I; Mazur-Marzec, H; Mehiri, M; Nielsen, SL; Novoveska, L; Overlinge, D; Perale, G; Ramasamy, P; Rebours, C; Reinsch, T; Reyes, F; Rinkevich, B; Robbens, J; Rottinger, E; Rudovica, V; Sabotid, J; Safarik, I; Talve, S; Tasdemir, D; Schneider, XT; Thomas, OP; Torunska-Sitarz, A; Varese, GC; Vasquez, MI. 2021. The Essentials of Marine Biotechnology. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.629629
Rotter, A; Bacu, A; Barbier, M; Bertoni, F; Bones, A; Cancela, ML; Carlsson, J; Carvalho, MF; Ceglowska, M; Dalay, MC; Dailianis, T; Deniz, I; Drakulovi, D; Dubnika, A; Einarsson, H; Erdogan, A; Eroldogan, OT; Ezra, D; Fazi, S; FitzGerald, RJ; Gargan, LM; Gaudencio, SP; DeNardis, NI; Joksimovic, D; Katarzyte, M; Kotta, J; Mandalakis, M; Matijosyte, I; Mazur-Marzec, H; Massa-Gallucci, A; Mohamed, M; Nielsen, SL; Novoveska, L; Overlinge, D; Portman, ME; Pyrc, K; Rebours, C; Reinsch, T; Reyes, F; Rinkevich, B; Robbens, J; Rudovica, V; Sabotic, J; Safarik, I; Talve, S; Tasdemir, D; Schneider, XT; Thomas, OP; Torunska-Sitarz, A; Varese, GC; Vasquez, MI. 2020. A New Network for the Advancement of Marine Biotechnology in Europe and Beyond. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00278
Rui Pedrosa; Susana P. Gaudêncio; Vitor Vasconcelos. 2020. XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products|XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products. Marine Drugs, DOI: 10.3390/md18010040
Oliveira, J; Belchior, A; da Silva, VD; Rotter, A; Petrovski, Z; Almeida, PL; Lourenco, ND; Gaudencio, SP. 2020. Marine Environmental Plastic Pollution: Mitigation by Microorganism Degradation and Recycling Valorization. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.567126
Barreca, M; Spane, V; Montalbano, A; Cueto, M; Marrero, ARD; Deniz, I; Erdogan, A; Bilela, LL; Moulin, C; Taffin-de-Givenchy, E; Spriano, F; Perale, G; Mehiri, M; Rotter, A; Thomas, OP; Barraja, P; Gaudencio, SP; Bertoni, F. 2020. Marine Anticancer Agents: An Overview with a Particular Focus on Their Chemical Classes. Marine Drugs, 18, DOI: 10.3390/md18120619
Gaudencio, SP; Pereira, F. 2020. A Computer-Aided Drug Design Approach to Predict Marine Drug-Like Leads for SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibition. Marine Drugs, 18, DOI: 10.3390/md18120633