Members from the (Bio)molecular Structure and Interactions by NMR Lab, CryoEM@NOVA Lab, Functional Glycobiology Lab and Macromolecular Crystallography Lab will be tutoring sessions on the GLYCOTwinning Summer School:Scientific Hands-on course in protein/glycan interactions: a structural perspective from September 25 to September 28, 2023. This course is co-organized with CICbioGUNE.
This summer school will cover challenges, state of the art and/or advanced methodologies, hands-on sessions with tutorials and talks by external leaders. It will comprise integrative experimental and theoretical structural biology tools for the study of glycan-protein interactions as NMR, X-ray crystallography, cryoEM and molecular modelling.
GLYCOTwinning is a capacity-building network with the ambitious goal to provide a breakthrough in the research of the Applied Biomolecular Sciences Unit, NOVA University Lisbon (UCIBIO-NOVA), from chemistry to microbiology, immunology and biomedicine. Coordinated by UCIBIO at NOVA School of Science and Technology, the project is led by Paula Videira, leader of the Glycoimmunology lab, Filipa Marcelo, co-leader of the (Bio)molecular Structure and Interactions by NMR lab, and Angelina Palma, leader of the GlycoLab- Functional Glycobiology lab. To achieve excellence, UCIBIO-NOVA needs further synergies, to be acquired through networking with topclass partners: Imperial College, LUMC and CICbioGUNE.