Centre of Biological Engineering
University of Minho
Biosensors in cancer
Host: Maria Ascensão Reis
9th Conference Cycle UCIBIO & LAQV
Biological samples are complex matrices containing precious elements signalling diseases, also known as biomarkers. The detection of biomarkers is indeed complex and requires specific sample-handling processes. Gladly, this scenario has improved today with the advent of biosensors.
Would you imagine that you could use something like a glucose meter to detect a cancer biomarker? Let's know a little bit more about this...
Short Bio
Goreti Sales received a degree in pharmaceutical sciences (1994) from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Porto University and a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry (2000) from the Porto University, Portugal, in 2000. She is adjunct professor in the Polytechnique Institute, School of Engineering, since 1998.Her research interests are mainly devoted to research on biomimetic nanomaterials and biosensing devices. She wokrs in the development of new sensing materials by molecularly-imprinting for a selective recognition of biomolecules acting as biomakesr in health, food and enviornmental domaiins, and their integration into sensory surfaces for electrical/optical detection.
She is the Founder and scientific coordinator of the research unit BioMark, Sensor Research (since July 2011) that joined CEB, Biological Engineering Centre of Minho University in January 2018. Current team members include 25 national researchers (9 PhD and 16 Master researchers).
She was the recipient of a Starting Grant, 3P’s, approved in 2012 by European Research Council, with a budget of 1 million euros (since February 2013). This grant targeted the development of fully autonomous devices to monitor cancer biomarkers, by merging separate fields of knowledge: Plastic Antibodies, Photovoltaics and Plasmonics. She coordinates the FET-Open project, symbiotic since 2018, approved for funding in 2015, with a budget over 3 million euros, by the European Commission, where the same target is pursued by replacing photovoltaic and fuel cells.